Letting Go

1 Corinthians 15:20
Thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord
Jesus Christ (v.57).

During a recent 3-week stay in the hospital, I met
Kathy. She shared her grave medical condition
and her strong faith—an unflinching belief in
Jesus. She loved Him and trusted Him, but she also knew
she was heading home to hospice care. Her days on
earth were counting down. As my wife and I talked with
Kathy, we learned of her sadness in having to leave her
teenage son and husband. The joy of soon being united
with Jesus was mixed with the sorrow of having to let go.
Like Kathy, unless Jesus returns, all of us will face the
day when our physical life will end. What will it take
for us to avoid sorrow “like people who have no hope”?
(1 Thessalonians 1:13). The apostle Paul gives us some
excellent reasons in 1 Corinthians 1:1:

• Jesus died, but He rose again! — Our faith is based
in the One who has conquered death (vv.4,21,57). Paul
himself said, “I also saw [Jesus]” after His resurrection

• After death comes new life! — There is hope past
the grave, for faith in Jesus leads to eternal life with Him.
“Everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life”
(v.22, see also 42).

• Jesus gives us victory! — Instead of spending our last
days on earth filled with dread, we can experience the
supernatural peace, power, and perspective that Jesus
alone provides (vv.55,57).

There can be true hope and anticipation for those who are facing death.
I saw it in Kathy’s face and heard it in her words. A “strong and immovable”
(v.58) faith is often formed in the fires of pain and adversity.

When it’s time, may God help us to release those we love into His faithful
care as our days on earth draw to a close. We can trust Him with our future.

—Tom Felten

Note the comfort and encouragement John 14:1 and Revelation 21:4 can provide for those who are dealing with death.

Why is death so hard even when we place our trust in Jesus? What
promise from God’s Word brings you the most comfort as you consider
the finality of death?



cancer is the best thing that happened to me - zac smith's story from keephopealive on godtube.