Donna Ulisse - Let The World Wait For A Little While

From the 2012 Christmas release All The Way To Bethlehem by Donna Donna Ulisse. In All the Way to Bethlehem, we listen in to a drama told through many voices, all of them resounding with wonder. There is Joseph, puzzled by circumstances, daunted by responsibilities, yet resolutely determined to do the right thing; Elisabeth, Mary's much older cousin who also miraculously conceives a child; the compassionate but overburdened Innkeeper, who reluctantly tells the desperate young couple, "You cannot stay here."; the Star of Bethlehem, beaming with its own importance; and, always and eternally, Mary, herself, who, while accepting the awful divine destiny of her newborn son, must in those first tender moments with him marvel, rejoice and dream as any mother would. It is a triumphant story vividly told.

Produced by Keith Sewell. Written by Donna Ulisse and Rick Stanley

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for the Gift of Fellow Believers When We Need Encouragement - Your Daily Prayer - January 18

Hebrews 3:13 reminds us to “encourage one another daily.” Why? Because we need it!

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