Young Man Stuns During Rockin' Britain's Got Talent Audition

One young man put on quite a performance, showing off his amazing skills on the guitar and dazzled the studio audience and the judges on Britain’s Got Talent. 

Everyone has a unique set of talents, skills and interests. Some people may be naturally gifted in one area, while others may be skilled at several things. God gives gifts to specific people, which He intends for them to use to bring glory and honor to His name. 

In a clip posted on YouTube, one young man, 11-year-old Harry Churchill, put his immense and awe-inspiring talent on the guitar on full display. He treated the studio audience and the four judges to a medley of Queen’s biggest and most beloved hits. 

Harry’s superb audition begins with him jumping into the air as he plays the first opening notes of his audition. Soon after, he seamlessly transitions into “We Will Rock You.” It’s a show of incredible talent, skill and showmanship. Harry may only be 11, but he can rock with the best of them!

In addition to his absurd level of talent on the guitar, he does not lack confidence. Harry, from the beginning of his audition until the moment he finishes the last note, owns the stage. He moves about the Britain’s Got Talent stage with the confidence and charisma of a seasoned professional. 

At one point, he even walks off the stage onto a platform right in front of the judges and puts the guitar behind his head. He doesn’t miss a single note! 

Harry gets a well-deserved standing ovation following his rocking performance. The judges were also delighted by the young man’s guitar expertise, showering him with compliment after compliment.

The 11-year-old rocker got four yes votes, and Bruno even called the young man “the king of rock and roll.”

Psalm 104:33 “I will make songs to the Lord all my life; I will make melody to my God while I have my being.”


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A Prayer to Tell Yourself a Better Story - Your Daily Prayer - February 11

We must be aware of our words and choose them wisely so that we can breathe life into our stories.

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