Rebecca St. James And Choir's Beautiful 'This Is Amazing Grace' Performance

Rebecca St. James, one of the biggest and most recognizable names in Christian music, was joined by a church choir for a beautiful performance of “This is Amazing Grace.”

Through their arrogance and willful disobedience, humans have made a total mess of things. Sin has wrecked and marred everything that it has ever encountered. Sin has brought about death, disease and strained and ruined relationships.

As a result of sin, the world is lost and fallen, filled with people hurting and struggling. In desperation and pain, many people cry out, looking for even the tiniest sign or amount of hope. They are looking for someone to bring about healing and comfort. Thankfully, there is one that can do all of that and so much more.

In a clip posted on YouTube, Rebecca and the massive choir at First Baptist Dallas church in Dallas, Texas, sang about the one who can and will make those changes. As one would expect, it’s a stunning performance.

The lyrics about Christ’s love and mighty power are moving and filled with truth. While simple, the song’s opening verse perfectly captures Christ's awe-inspiring love and power.

“Who breaks the power of sin and darkness?

Whose love is mighty and so much stronger?

The King of glory, the King above all kings”

No one would have a chance without Christ and His willing sacrifice on the cross. Everyone would be condemned to live out their days on Earth, lost in their sin and shame. But He paid the ultimate price and fulfilled a debt that only He could have filled.

Christ can bring hope and life into a situation where there was none. He can move mountains and make a way. He can clean even the worst sinner, washing away the sins as if they never happened.

Praise His holy name!

Romans 5:8 “But God has made clear his love to us, in that, when we were still sinners, Christ gave his life for us.”


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A Prayer When You Are Faced with an Incurable Diagnosis - Your Daily Prayer - March 6

Though my life has changed with a new hardship, God’s plans for me will not be thwarted.

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