Golden Retriever Hilariously Copies Grandpa's Moves - Cute Videos


Everybody loves a good grandparent video. Everyone also loves a good dog video. Put the two together, and you have pure greatness. 

In this video clip, a golden retriever hilariously copies the grandpa’s moves. This is a must-see.

To say that a dog is a man’s best friend is an understatement in this clip. It begins with an older man sitting in a chair at his home with three dogs. The golden retriever appears to be especially interested in lying down right in front of his feet. 

We see the grandpa cross his legs the other way as the camera zooms in. Suddenly, the unexpected happens. The retriever is caught mimicking the owner by crossing his paws. The two go back and forth together like a mirror image. It is absolutely adorable watching this dog think through each move from his owner and copy him. This is an intelligent animal.

The video only continues to get more interesting as the man stretches on his balcony and begins to work out. He and his pet do push-ups together against the rail. 

You can see the pooch continuously glancing over at his owner to see what moves are next and how to stay in sync with him. You sit and wonder if this man worked endlessly to train the dog or if the pet came by it naturally. Whatever the case, it is entertaining to anyone viewing and brings a smile to any face.

The Bible talks about God’s command for man to have authority over animals. It is exciting to see in the way that this man is teaching and doing life with his pet can reflect the Lord’s creation and purposes.

“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’” Genesis 1:26

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