Professional Ballet Company Helps Seniors Stay Active With Free Classes

Professional Ballet Company Helps Seniors Stay Active With Free Classes

A group of professional and classically trained ballet dancers, the Oklahoma City Ballet, helps seniors maintain an active lifestyle by offering free classes.

Eating right and getting plenty of sleep are two things all medical professionals stress when it comes to getting and remaining healthy. In addition to consuming a healthy diet and getting those eight hours every night, exercise is another vital component of a healthy lifestyle. 

Exercise, moving and using one’s muscles daily is necessary for everyone, but it becomes even more critical as the body ages. The Oklahoma City Ballet understands the importance of movement. That is why it offers free ballet and dance classes for seniors and those with Parkinson’s disease.

Jo Lynne Jones, the organization's executive director, says helping their community is a central tenet of The Oklahoma Ballet Company.

“Providing dance for Parkinson’s and our Golden Swans programs are just at the core of what we believe we should do as a ballet organization,” she said.

Ballet, according to Jo Lynne, makes for a great workout. It helps with stretching and balance. 

The ballet company’s Golden Swans program is for seniors of experience levels. Those who have never danced will still find the class beneficial and will be able to keep up. 

“The best thing about the class is it doesn’t matter if you’ve danced before or if you’ve never danced at all, the class is designed to take care of everybody,” Robin Martin, one of the program’s participants, said.

Several men are involved in the program. They mentioned enjoying themselves and even feeling better after participating in a class.

“I can say that when I walk out of this class, I feel better,” Randy Keller, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2019, said. 

Exercise and getting up and moving around, no matter your age or stage in life, is good for the body, mind and soul. Who doesn’t feel better after a nice walk or a workout? 

1 Timothy 4:8 “For the training of the body is of profit for a little, but religion is of profit in every way, giving hope for the life which now is, and for that which is to come.”

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