Michael W. Smith's Lyric Video For Stirring 'Crimson Dust'

Beloved Christian musician Michael W. Smith has released the official music video for his stirring song “Crimson Dust.”

The Bible tells of many people God instructed to fulfill specific purposes, roles and jobs. The actions and decisions of people like Adam, Noah, Moses, Paul and David continue to be read and studied. Their deeds and the fulfillment of God’s orders continue to have an impact on the faith and lives of people today. 


However, all of their actions pale in comparison to those of Jesus Christ. The son of God was sent to Earth to bridge the divide that sin had caused between God and man. Christ willingly went to the cross, taking all of humanity’s sin and shame on his back as he endured an agonizing, painful and wholly undeserved death. He did what no one could, making the ultimate sacrifice.

In dying and then, days later, rising from the grave and rolling away the stone, Christ defeated sin, death and hell. He made the ultimate sacrifice, forever winning the ultimate victory. He paid a debt that we can never and will never be able to repay. Because of Jesus, there is life, hope and the opportunity for eternal salvation with Him. 

With his beautifully written and performed song, Michael paints a vivid picture of Christ’s sacrifice on that tree all those years ago. It’s a song about the act that literally changed the course of human history. 

Christ’s blood falling to the ground as he was nailed to the cross, suffering and dying on our behalf, created crimson dust, as Michael sings.

“Redeeming love

What gain, what loss

Crimson dust beneath the cross

Crimson dust beneath the cross”

Because of Christ’s selfless act and endless love, there is hope for a lost and broken world.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”


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A Prayer to Overcome Paralyzing Fear - Your Daily Prayer - February 7

No matter what our fear may be, God is still stronger and more powerful than any circumstance. Choose to give all your fear over to God today.

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