Dip in Chimney Lake

Once when we lived in Marietta, Georgia. I took Charlie on a walk. When Charlie was on his lease, he'd pull so hard to get ahead that he'd almost pass out. For this reason, I just let him drag his lease along. While we were walking by the lake, he spied some ducks on the water. Before I knew it, Charlie leaped into the water dragging his lease behind. Charlie swam so furiously that he actually did catch up with the ducks. What Charlie wasn't counting on is that when he did catch them. They merely flew away. Even after the ducks flew away, Charlie still refused to come ashore. He might have just been too stubborn, or to near sighted to see the shore. There he swam around and around in circles with me yelling for him to come. Then, I began to realize that he wasn't ever going to come. He would rather drown than to not catch his duck. That day I took a dip in a lake to save Charlie clothes and all. I didn't scold him. I admired him, & I loved him.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Confronting Life’s Biggest Challenges - Your Daily Prayer - September 20

We are able to be filled by His Spirit each day, enabling us to take on the biggest challenges in life with His strength.

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