'Day Of Victory' Live Performance From Rend Collective
The video starts off with the band walking the streets of Dublin. Then the scene moves into a bar where Rend Collective is playing their lively song in a crowded room.
“We have a story of grace
We have an anthem of hope
We have a reason to praise
We are redeemed and restored
You are the great liberator
You ransomed us from our shame
Now by the blood of the Savior
Everything broken will change
Oh, this will be my day of victory
My chains are gone, now I am free indeed
Every debt is paid by amazing grace
All that’s left is to celebrate
Your love has won
I’m free indeed, my jubilee has come”
The people look like they are having such a great time as Rend Collective is singing ‘Day of Victory.’ The crowd is jumping around and smiling from ear to ear while they are listening to the uplifting music. It looks like such a fun party! And life in Jesus should feel just like that, an amazing celebration!
“Love this song! It's so important to realize the victory we have in Christ and to live in that victory! We can claim every day to be our victory day!” writes one YouTube user on the ‘Day of Victory’ video.
Another YouTube comment reads: “Rend Collective, you never cease to amaze me. Your music is always so beautiful, inspirational and moves me, every time. I am happy to know that talented people like yourselves are using your gifts to serve our Lord and bring people such an awesome experience, even if it is just a tiny taste of what we will actually experience that one great day in heaven - it is so exciting!”
This song reminds us that God turns our mourning into dancing, and He breaks the chains that once held us down. As his beloved children, we are able to rejoice in His marvelous light, because we are fully alive in Him!
'Day Of Victory' Live Performance From Rend Collective
The video starts off with the band walking the streets of Dublin. Then the scene moves into a bar where Rend Collective is playing their lively song in a crowded room.
“We have a story of grace
We have an anthem of hope
We have a reason to praise
We are redeemed and restored
You are the great liberator
You ransomed us from our shame
Now by the blood of the Savior
Everything broken will change
Oh, this will be my day of victory
My chains are gone, now I am free indeed
Every debt is paid by amazing grace
All that’s left is to celebrate
Your love has won
I’m free indeed, my jubilee has come”
The people look like they are having such a great time as Rend Collective is singing ‘Day of Victory.’ The crowd is jumping around and smiling from ear to ear while they are listening to the uplifting music. It looks like such a fun party! And life in Jesus should feel just like that, an amazing celebration!
“Love this song! It's so important to realize the victory we have in Christ and to live in that victory! We can claim every day to be our victory day!” writes one YouTube user on the ‘Day of Victory’ video.
Another YouTube comment reads: “Rend Collective, you never cease to amaze me. Your music is always so beautiful, inspirational and moves me, every time. I am happy to know that talented people like yourselves are using your gifts to serve our Lord and bring people such an awesome experience, even if it is just a tiny taste of what we will actually experience that one great day in heaven - it is so exciting!”
This song reminds us that God turns our mourning into dancing, and He breaks the chains that once held us down. As his beloved children, we are able to rejoice in His marvelous light, because we are fully alive in Him!
Rend Collective Concert Schedule
Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12
If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption
Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12
If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption
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