kennyvert's Favorites

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  • Huckabee's response to the evolution questionHuckabee's response to the evolution question
    In the third debate hosted by CNN, Mike Huckabee responded with great eloquence about his stand on creation, evolution, and God's role in that process.

    Visit Mike Huckabee's web site at htt...
    mike-huckabee-20082008-03-17T00:00:0010,203 views00:02:15
  • Smart - IgniterMedia.comSmart -
    Since the beginning of time, man has thought he was smart enough to know everything about this world. Whether it was the shape of the earth or how computers would affect our lives, man always develops a theory. We just seem to be consistently wron...ignitermedia2010-10-01T21:56:4272,530 views00:02:56
  • '99 Balloons' - Dad Writes Powerful Love Letter To His Lost Baby'99 Balloons' - Dad Writes Powerful Love Letter To His Lost Baby
    Things happen that we cannot explain with our earthly minds, but God works in the most amazing ways. The story of Elliot, a miracle baby that lived for 99 days, shows this. You don't want to miss this moving video.

    Eliot's condition could not s...
    ignitermedia2008-03-17T00:00:00441,188 views00:06:23
  • Amazing Hero Dog!!!Amazing Hero Dog!!!
    This is the most fantastic thing I have ever seen or heard. It is less than a minute so enjoy! If only we were this compassionate for human beings! This is truly AMAZING!!!sharonshown2010-10-02T00:30:37212,017 views00:00:57

Today's Devotional

A Prayer for God to Bring You Through an Exhausting Life Phase - Your Daily Prayer - May 9

I came across Habakkuk 3:19 in my attempt to refuel my sunken strength and journal out these thoughts in my morning quiet time. And what spoke to me is this…

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