My Victory
by Crowder

The blood of Christ brings us in to the family of God forever, and His hold on us is secure.

A young couple adopted a child from Africa. Amazingly, the boy had spent the first three years of his life living on the streets of his village until a nun took him in to an orphanage. No one knew who the boy’s parents were or even when he was born. He was alone in the world.

When the young couple adopted the boy, all he had to his name were the clothes on his back and a security blanket he had picked up somewhere along the way. The blanket had been torn to shreds, but the boy treasured it as his most prized possession.

When his adoptive parents brought him home, they gave him a closet full of clothes, a pantry full of food, and a bed with pillows and clean sheets—all of which were completely new to the boy. But initially, the boy struggled to trust that this was truly his home. Surrounded by all the provisions he would ever need, the boy held tight to his tattered blanket, trusting in it more than the security of his new home.

We are often the same way with the assurance we have in Christ. It can be so hard sometimes to believe that Christ came for “criminals and every Pharisees” and “for hypocrites, even one like me.” It can be hard to trust that we belong to Him and that He will really keep us as His own.

But as it was with the boy’s adoption, though we may struggle to believe it’s true, our security in Christ is based on more than a fleeting whim. It rests on a legal transaction, signed in the blood of Christ, that assures us that His “death is hell’s defeat. A cross meant to kill is my victory.”

We are not left to wander through this world alone. Because of the blood of Christ, we can sing with confidence, “Your amazing grace, I’ve seen and tasted it. It’s running through my veins. I can’t escape its grip.”

May we rest in this promise: when our faith is in Christ, we belong to Him forever. He is our victory. Oh God, “in You my soul is safe. You cover everything.”

Celebrate 'My Victory' with Crowder from crowder on GodTube.