Wife Carrying


Colossians 1:3
We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power

Contestants in the Wife Carrying World
Championships meet in the Finnish town of
Sonkajärvi. During the contest, men tote their
wives a full 831 feet through gravel, grass, and sand,
over two obstacles and through water. Dropping your
wife means a 15-second penalty—not to mention
dealing with an angry woman.

When it comes to marriage, I’m convinced that men
need to carry their wives, and wives need to carry their
husbands—so to speak. One important way to “carry”
your spouse is through prayer.

If your loved one has slipped down a couple of
notches on your prayer list, try some new angles. One
idea is to ask God to give your husband or wife a
“complete knowledge of His will” (Colossians 1:9).
Wouldn’t it be great to have God’s wisdom for all of our
family-related decisions, like how we should discipline
our kids, best help our parents, and decide which local
church to attend?

Besides knowing God’s wisdom, most of us need
strength to meet life’s challenges. Paul prayed for the
early believers to be “strengthened with all [God’s]
glorious power” (v.12) so they would have “all the
endurance and patience [they would] need.” If your
spouse needs help in some area, ask God to give him or
her staying power to deal with the problem.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to ask God to bless your spouse with joy
and a spirit of thankfulness (v.11). Many times an improved outlook can shrink
mountain-sized issues down to their true dimensions.

When my husband says, “I’m praying for you,” it comforts me. I know he won’t
drop me in this race of life. I also know that the Bible says, “The earnest prayer of a
righteous person has great power” (James 5:16).

—Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Read 2 Corinthians 1:9 for more ideas on how to intercede for
fellow believers. Read Romans 15:30 to see what intercessory prayer
can mean for us and for others.

How do you feel when someone close to you tells you he or she is
praying for you? How will you begin praying more intentionally for
other Christians?