Jonny Lang

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May 30

The Canyon

Agoura Hills, CA 91377

9:00 PM


The Canyon

34.144004, -118.75515410000003

Agoura Hills, CA 91377

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About this event:

I Due to social distancing seating restrictions imposed by the advent of Covid-19, we cannot guarantee that you will be seated in the exact location you selected. However, you will be seated in the same section/vicinity that was originally chosen, and groups will be seated together. For example, if you purchased four tickets, the four people holding those tickets will be seated together. We look forward to the day when social distancing seating restrictions are lifted. In the meantime, we thank you for your patronage, your patience, and understanding as we navigate these difficult times together.f you purchase a ticket at a table, you are required to order dinner. You must arrive by 7pm.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Seek Solitude with God in a Rushing World - Your Daily Prayer - May 8

If we pursue the things of this world, then it is pointless. We will be chasing after temporary pleasures that lead us nowhere with purpose.

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