When Walls Fall


Numbers 22:1

Then the people of Israel traveled to the plains of Moab and camped east of the Jordan River, across from Jericho (22:1).

Every Monday evening at 8:30 p.m., the walls of my house begin to vibrate. Far from any earthquake tremors, my house instead responds to the sound of my husband and the young men in his small group as they begin their time of worship in song. As I sit upstairs, I love to hear their deep voices resonating throughout the house. It’s the sound of strength.

Worship is powerful, and the book of Acts (16:16-26) records how Paul and Silas—in prison for preaching and practicing the freedom of Christ—faced their chains with God’s worthiness on their tongues. Consequently, the very earth responded, demonstrating that our worship of the one true God breaks the strongholds of darkness in our lives.

But it wasn’t the first time God brought down the walls.

The city of Jericho’s fallen barriers have become a well-known symbol of what can be done through the power of praise and obedience (Joshua 6:1-20). Ironically, though, the day the walls came down wasn’t the only time the Israelites had been in the area. Numbers 22 tells of the first generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt and who, at one point, camped with only a river between them and the city. Sadly, the victory was not to be theirs.

Balak could rage and demand that they be cursed, but even a king bent on their destruction could not undo the promises of God for their lives. Their downfall was much simpler. They gave in to seduction and then succumbed to the worship of self (25:1-3).

More than a physical river to stop them, they were denied the promise because of their refusal to be led by the Spirit of God. The choice is ours: Will we be driven by our flesh or watch the miraculous unfold as walls fall?

—Regina Franklin


Read Genesis 22:1 to see how Abraham’s worship was an important step in the fulfillment of God’s promise for his life.


Why is our worship so powerful? What steps do you need to take to refuse temptation? How can your worship change any “Jericho” situations you’re facing? 


thanksgiving glass from worshiphousemedia on godtube.