2 Near death experience - Nahtoderfahrung 2

A REAL experience of life after death. Eine REALE Erfahrung vom Leben nach dem Tod.

The doctor came to me and tried to explain to me for 15 minutes that I was dead. He was toally schocked and didn`t know what to do. He knew it wasn`t him who brought me back. He knew that noone had brought me back. It could only be done supernaturally.

Der Arzt kam zu mir und hat mir 15 Minuten lang erklaert, daß ich tot war. Er war komplett geschockt, er wusste nicht, was er tun sollte. Er wusste, d@%!@ er mich nicht zurueckgebracht hatte. Er wusste, daß niemand mich zurueckgebracht hat. Das konnte nur uebernatuerlich geschehen sein.

Near death experience. Life after death. Leben nach dem Tod. NDE

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Today's Devotional

A Valentine’s Day Prayer to Cultivate a Tender Heart toward God - Your Daily Prayer - February 14

Here are four ways to help cultivate a tender heart towards God this Valentine's Day.

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