6-Year-Old Asks A Jogger To Meet Her Dad, Then Takes Her Into A Funeral Home

It must have seemed strange to jogger Emily Beineman when she was invited to meet a 6-year-old’s dad only to be taken into a funeral home. This CBS Sunday Morning video explains how that very thing came about. As the story begins, we get a glimpse of energetic Raelynn Nast, blond and wearing a blue-print jumpsuit as she breezes about her carport on a scooter. Quickly, we are introduced to Raelynn’s mother, Lacey Nast. The family, of Fort Smith, Arkansas, suffered a tremendous loss when Raelynn’s dad died from colon cancer at just 41 years young. Lacey shares how devastated Raelynn had been when her father died. She had always been so very proud of her dad, Davey. Lacey describes Raelynn’s cries over the loss as “pure heartbreak.” The reporter and video go on to tell how Emily Beineman became acquainted with Raelynn and Lacey. On the day of the visitation, Emily was out jogging with her dog, Blue. Raelynn was sitting on the steps of the chapel and called out to Emily, asking if she could pet Emily’s dog. Emily told Raelynn that she was welcome to pet Blue... as long as her parents didn’t mind. Raelynn then explained to Emily that her father was lying inside. She gave Blue a big hug and invited Emily inside to “see” her dad. Though she was taken aback and realized that she was not dressed appropriately, Emily also recognized that Raelynn would never have the chance to introduce her father again. Emily, perhaps a little self-conscious, followed Raelynn into the chapel and down the aisle. The video reverts back to Lacey, who shares how the two looked as they entered the sanctuary. Lacey explains that the connection between her daughter and this unknown young woman was obvious. The reporter asked Raelynn about that connection, and Raelynn says, with the simplicity and understanding that sometimes elludes adults, “she helped me feel better by her kindness.” Emily and Raelynn have visited again since that initial meeting, and they plan to stay in touch. Raelynn is doing better, and that’s thanks to kindnesses like that shown by Emily on that very impactful day in Raelynn’s life. It means so much when pure heartbreak is made just a tiny bit better by someone else’s pure compassion! “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32


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A Prayer When Confronting Life’s Biggest Challenges - Your Daily Prayer - September 20

We are able to be filled by His Spirit each day, enabling us to take on the biggest challenges in life with His strength.

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