Jesus and Holy Spirit, Blissful Night, Journals

Jesus and Holy Spirit, Blissful Night, Journals

Jesus and Holy Spirit, Blissful Night, Journals

In this selection from our Journal the Lord introduces His counterpart, Holy Spirit and truly One with Him in an effort to calm any apprehensions about being with our precious Holy Spirit. (Yes, I still believe in the Triune God)

I am so used to Jesus and being with Him…yet am somewhat uncomfortable with the person of Holy Spirit. The Lord addresses that.

Also I share a little about dancing with the Lord and that He dances with me to be affectionate, to celebrate and to be close to His Bride.

These episodes from our Journal are to help everyone get closer to the intimate life Jesus so desires to have now with His Bride. The image of us together is also available for you to insert your own picture, just write me and I'll do it for you. He truly wants everyone to embrace Him with simplicity and trust.

May you find your joy in His arms.


We are a full time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you thirty fold, both now and in the age to come.

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