What Is The Focus Of A True Christian? What Are They To Do? - KLPTV.ORG

Christianity is not like a political affiliation, and you quietly vote for the Jesus party of your choice. Instead, being a Christ follower is a revolutionary change of direction, vision, and lifestyle according to the commands of Jesus, your new boss, Lord, king, and ruler. This is Straight Talk for narrow road followers of Jesus.

For more answers go straight to the Book, the Bible. Thank you for watching Straight Talk for Narrow Road Followers of Jesus. If these messages have been a help to you, please pass them on to others through email, facebook and twitter.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Relax Because God Is Leading You - Your Daily Prayer - February 18

Let’s allow God to guard our hearts and minds giving us rest and peace. We don’t have to overanalyze every step anymore; we get to relax because God is always leading us.

Read Today's Devotional