Comedian John Crist Portrays What Christian Moms Are Like

Christian comedian John Crist is back with a hilarious look at life as a Christian mom. When it comes to this current generation of mothers, a lot of their lives are posted on social media.

John Crist noticed a few similarities among this group and created this entire video. In the clip, we see and hear some amplified statements made by Christian moms.

One of the funniest moments is when he says, "Deviled eggs? Excuse me, who brought these into my house!" Or how about, “Well, you’re welcome to invite 12 friends to your birthday party because that’s how many friends Jesus had.”

John always has a way of coming up with the funniest skits and jokes. As a preacher’s kid, John knows all about growing up in a Christian household.

While this may be an exaggeration, there is definitely still some truth in the video. John is always so good at kindly poking fun of some of the daily complexities of life. And he does it in such a way that you know he’s laughing with you and not at you.

I’m sure we can all pick out at least one moment from the video that reminds us of a loving woman in our lives. Mothers are the backbone of our families and their example and rules help shape us into the people we are today.

While we all laugh along with some of these hilarious moments, we can also smile knowing that these amazing women always have our best interests at heart.
Source: John Crist

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Discernment - Your Daily Prayer - October 26

Next time you face a difficult decision, precisely one where whatever you choose will be beneficial, take time and ask the Lord for discernment. Lean into the Holy Spirit, listen for the ways He speaks to your heart, and whatever you decide, glorify the Lord.

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