We Are All Barabbas

WATCH THE FULL VIDEO HERE: http://www.gospellightsociety.com/100-days-of-preaching-the-gospel/we-are-all-barabbas.html

100 Days of Preaching the Gospel #69 | with Daniel Whyte III

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 27:15-26

In the news today, we sometimes hear about a man who was wrongly convicted of a crime and then sent to prison for many years being declared innocent and finally freed. But we hardly ever hear about a convicted criminal being set free until he has served his time. Today, I want to share with you the significance of a story from the Bible in which a criminal was set free and an innocent, holy man was punished.

1. First, we will look at the Imprisoned Sinner

2. Then we will look at the Innocent Saviour

3. And finally, we will look at the Perfect Sacrifice

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Confronting Life’s Biggest Challenges - Your Daily Prayer - September 20

We are able to be filled by His Spirit each day, enabling us to take on the biggest challenges in life with His strength.

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