I Know You Are Out There Somewhere

The heavens declare the Glory of God. Do they reveal evidence of the His existance? ALMA, The world's most expensive telescope system, The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter, has officially opened for astronomers. This first released image, from a telescope still under construction, reveals a view of the Universe that cannot
be seen at all by visible-light infrared telescopes.The Antennae Galaxies is a pair of colliding galaxies with dramatically distorted shapes. While visible light shows us the stars in the galaxies, ALMA's view reveals something that cannot be seen in visible
light: the clouds of dense cold gas from which new stars form. This is the best submillimeter-wavelength image ever made of the Antennae Galaxies. Hubble Images Video clips courtesy of ESO for the Public available at www.eso.org.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Help Us through the Cold, Dark Nights of Winter - Your Daily Prayer - February 16

So how do we escape the darkness when feeling low? The following are five ways to chase it away.

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