There Be Dragons Official Movie Trailer

Even saints have a past. Two childhood friends, Josemaria Escriva (Charlie Cox) and Manolo Torres (Wes Bentley), are separated by the political upheaval of pre-war Spain, finding themselves on opposite sides as war erupts. Choosing peace, Josemaria becomes
a priest and struggles to spread reconciliation by founding the movement Opus Dei (work of God). Manolo chooses war and becomes a spy for the fascists. During this time, he becomes obsessed with a beautiful Hungarian revolutionary, Ildiko, who has joined the
militia in pursuit of passion and purpose. But when Ildiko rejects him and turns to the courageous militia leader Oriol, Manolo's jealousy leads him down a path of betrayal.

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Today's Devotional

A Valentine’s Day Prayer to Cultivate a Tender Heart toward God - Your Daily Prayer - February 14

Here are four ways to help cultivate a tender heart towards God this Valentine's Day.

Read Today's Devotional