Man Raises Thousands Of Dollars To Fill Up People’s Gas Tanks

One kind and caring individual raised nearly $30,000 to help people in Iowa fill up their vehicle’s gas tank.

Life, with all its many twists, turns and uncertainties, can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. Some situations and circumstances can beat people down so badly that they feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. Now, throw in a lack of finances and an inability to pay for crucial goods and services, and that would be enough to push anyone off the edge.

That’s why one man, Rob Johnson, a community activist, raised $28,000. The funds, as the clip posted on YouTube explains, were used to help people fill up their car’s gas tank. 

Rob, in the clip, explained his motivation for being so generous and helping his fellow man.

“We do this because there’s a single mom and a single dad who needs that extra $40 to $100 to get to the next week,” Rob said. “We do this because there’s some pastor who is struggling that you don’t even know about because they never really talk about it openly.”

But Rob wasn’t the only person who was in attendance to help those who may be struggling in silence. The short clip states that 50 volunteers took time out of their day to pump gas for drivers in Iowa.

Unfortunately, everyone faces trials and hardships in life. Those experiences visit everyone at one time or another, they do not discriminate. But those dark valleys can be made much more bearable with kindness and care from others.

Throughout the Bible, followers of Christ are called to love and help one another, to lift each other up in times of stress and discomfort. Helping one another, in some form or fashion, is something that all can and should do.

1 John 3:17 “But if a man has this world’s goods, and sees that his brother is in need, and keeps his heart shut against his brother, how is it possible for the love of God to be in him?”

Source: Inside Edition

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A Prayer for Wayward Children and Grandchildren - Your Daily Prayer - January 14

We don't know what is going on in the hearts and minds of wayward children and grandchildren. God doesn't ask us to know, but God does say to ask, seek, knock, and pray without ceasing.

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