Canine Hilariously Tries To Avoid Going For A Walk In The Cold

One dog, obviously not a fan of cold weather, went to hilarious lengths to remain indoors and avoid the frigid temperatures and bone-chilling wind chills.

As the book of Genesis states, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” He then created and formed everything in six days, finally resting on the seventh day. Part of God’s creation was weather and its many different patterns. So now, because of God’s handiwork, we experience summer, winter, spring and fall.

Most people have their favorite season, likely with a majority selecting either spring or fall as their preferred time of year. Summer may also be a favorite of many.  But without a doubt, for most, winter brings up the rear as the least-liked season. 

That dislike of winter does not stop with humans. It also seems to be shared by other members of God’s creation, as one video posted on YouTube so hilariously depicts. 

In the short, 1-minute clip, the canine’s female owner approaches the dog with a leash. She is hoping to take the dog for a walk in the cold. However, the animal is less than cooperative. The dog knows what she is attempting to do. 

To avoid her and foil her plans, the dog bounds around the room. It jumps from the couch to the floor to a chair and then back. The dog performs this hysterical evasive maneuver several times throughout the video. 

At one point in the video, the woman makes her intentions clear to the animal, telling it “Come on, time for a walk.”

Each time, after jumping from one spot to another, the dog stops and looks back at the woman trying to corral him for a cold stroll outside in the elements. 

The video cuts off before a winner in this hilarious game of chase is determined, but it’s safe to say that the dog was not going outside without first putting up quite the fight. 

Proverbs 12:10 “An upright man has thought for the life of his beast, but the hearts of evildoers are cruel.”

Source: Rumble Viral

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