Beautiful Dog's Perfect Mimicry of Owner's Words Is Astonishing

A beautiful and clearly intelligent dog, a husky, astonishes with its perfect and mind-blowing mimicry of its owner’s words.

Animals are creatures that never cease to amaze and astound. They are some of the most fascinating beings you’ll ever encounter on Earth. When you think you can predict how an animal will react or respond in any given situation or environment, they’ll surprise you. Whenever there’s an animal involved – a dog, cat, rabbit or even a duck – always remember to expect the unexpected.

Those cute, furry, four-legged creatures are also much more intelligent than most people would like to believe or admit. Some have the unique ability to pick up and learn things that we would’ve thought impossible, including speech. But a jaw-dropping video posted on social media shows how animals can pick up on and mimic the words people say to them.

The clip features Pluto the Husky interacting with his owner. The back-and-forth between the beautiful canine and the woman is incredible. It begins with the woman asking the dog to repeat after her.

“Okay, can you say, ‘Hello?’ the woman asks the animal.

Seconds later, the animal responds in a tone and with an inflection that actually sounds like the dog is saying, “Hello.”

But that is not all. The dog goes on, demonstrating its intelligence and ability to respond and follow commands.

The animal is asked to say, “How are you?,” “I love you,” “Thank you” and “Yummy.” With each phrase and response, it genuinely sounds like that is what the animal is saying.

What an absolutely incredible clip that shows the mind-blowing intelligence that some members of the animal kingdom possess.

Who wouldn’t want a dog that could do that? What a cute and intelligent pup!

Genesis 1:21 “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Source: Pluto The Husky

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Surrendering Control to God's Will - Your Daily Prayer - January 16

There may not be a "happy ending" in this life, but thank God He uses this life to prepare us for the next, where there is no pain, suffering, or tears!

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