11-Year-Old Blind Musical Prodigy Inspires On The Kelly Clarkson Show

Some people are dealt a much more difficult hand in life than others, but one little girl is not letting her disability stop her from reaching for the stars and inspiring others.

Sadaya, who was born blind, plays the piano and even sings using braille on YouTube. The 11-year-old girl and her mother Dora, appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show, where they talked about the child’s many hopes and dreams.

“I started playing music when I was three and I had my very first piano,” the little girl said. “Also, I learned braille in preschool.”

However, Sadaya doesn’t just use her YouTube channel to showcase her musical talents. Sadaya, as she explains, uses her online channel to show that her disability is not holding her back from living a normal life.

“I share how I can read braille and do, go to school, do homework,” she said. 

Sadaya also mentioned that she has, what is perhaps, the cutest and sweetest name for those who follow her YouTube channel.

“And also, I call my fairies, I call my followers fairies because they’re sweet and magical,” the inspiring little girl said. 

At about the 1:15-minute mark of the clip, Kelly asks Dora, Sadaya’s mother, when she learned her child was blind and the struggles she has faced. During her answer, Dora begins to tear up. However, the sweet little child gives her mother some loving encouragement.

“Don’t cry, mommy,” Sadaya says.

Near the end of the clip, Kelly asks Sadaya if she has other hopes and dreams beyond just singing. It’s clear that Sadaya will not let anything hold her back from dreaming big!

“Yes, I do,” she says. “And those dreams are meeting Adele. My other dream is to get a grand piano.”

She also added that she would “love to be a doctor” because she would “love to help kids” like her.

What a wonderful little girl who, despite her disability, has a positive outlook on life and has big dreams! She is not allowing anything to hold her back. 

Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up.”


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A Prayer for Discernment - Your Daily Prayer - October 26

Next time you face a difficult decision, precisely one where whatever you choose will be beneficial, take time and ask the Lord for discernment. Lean into the Holy Spirit, listen for the ways He speaks to your heart, and whatever you decide, glorify the Lord.

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