‘Surrounded’ Original Song From The Men Of Anthem Lights

God’s love and protection keep us safe during dangerous and trying circumstances in life. A catchy and new song reminds us about the power of His love.

Anthem Lights, a Christian band best known for their harmonies, covers and mashups, recently released a new, original song. In “Surrounded,” the four talented singers sing about being protected and surrounded by the love of God.

Early in the song, the lyrics mention that even when we may feel alone, dealing with and facing every difficulty by ourselves, God is by our side. The Bible states in several places that God will never leave or forsake us during our time of need.

The next verse adds that God’s love is so massive, powerful and unconditional. God's love is also something that we could have never ever earned. There is no person alive deserving of such a gift!

None of us are promised tomorrow. Every day we’re alive, able to enjoy His creation, is a day to celebrate. Every breath God gives us is also a gift from Him and not something to take for granted, the song states. 

After mentioning that God’s love surrounds us, the song’s lyrics add that His love is enough! Instead, the singers tell listeners that they are “never letting go” and inform God that He is in control of their life.

Without God’s unconditional love, humanity would not stand a chance. He made that ultimate sacrifice of love, dying upon the cross, taking our place all those years ago. 

What a fun and catchy little song that reminds us about the unearned and unconditional love of God!

Psalm 139:5-6 “I am shut in by you on every side, and you have put your hand on me. Such knowledge is a wonder greater than my powers; it is so high that I may not come near it.” 

Source: Anthem Lights

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A Prayer for Discernment - Your Daily Prayer - October 26

Next time you face a difficult decision, precisely one where whatever you choose will be beneficial, take time and ask the Lord for discernment. Lean into the Holy Spirit, listen for the ways He speaks to your heart, and whatever you decide, glorify the Lord.

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