Celtic Thunder Stunning Live Performance of 'The Dutchman' Lyric Video

Listen to this stunning live performance of ‘The Dutchman’ from Celtic Thunder and be in awe of the beautiful vocals and lyrics.

“The Dutchman's not the kind of man who keeps his thumb jammed in the dam

That holds his dreams in, but that's a secret that only Margaret knows.

When Amsterdam is golden in the summer, Margaret brings him breakfast,

She believes him. He thinks the tulips bloom beneath the snow.”

‘The Dutchman’ was written by Michael Peter Smith in 1968 and has become a beloved folk song over the years. The song is about an elderly couple living in Amsterdam, with Margaret being the title character. The unnamed Dutchman is senile, and Margaret cares for him with sadness over what has happened to him over the years. When Margaret is away, the Dutchman wanders and imagines. He is only grounded when his dear wife returns. The song’s overall story is one of unconditional and undying love. 

In the music video, Celtic Thunder is performing ‘The Dutchman’ live from Ontario, Canada. And they did a beautiful job putting their own twist on the song.

Celtic Thunder is an Irish singing group that first came together in 2007. They are known for their eclectic, theatrical-style shows, and the Celtic Thunder Band backs the group on their concert tours. Their live shows are known for the use of dramatic set pieces, visual effects, and highly choreographed staging.

We hope you enjoyed this performance of ‘The Dutchman’ from Celtic Thunder today and the music was able to bring a smile to your face.

Proverbs 3:3-4 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

Source: Celtic Thunder

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A Prayer When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want to Go to Church - Your Daily Prayer - February 15

Give all the matters over to the Lord and trust Him with the outcome. The Lord can be fully trusted, and He will never fail you.

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