Tauren Wells Shares 5 Bible Verses About God’s Love For Us
One of the biggest names in all Christian music, Tauren Wells, has shared what he believes to be the five Bible verses that best explain and detail “God’s crazy love for you.”
Life can become tricky and confusing at times. Knowing how to handle certain situations and people can become difficult. That’s why God’s Word is referred to as a “lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” The Bible is essentially an instruction manual for life. For every situation or circumstance we come up against, God’s Word has advice, words of wisdom or examples to help us navigate it.
Not only is the Bible a guidebook, but it’s also a love story. Throughout the Bible’s 66 books, God displays His immense and inexplicable love for us, a bunch of sinners. The most famous verse in the entire Bible is one in which it states that God loved the world so much that He sent his one and only Son to Earth to die upon the cross, taking our place.
In a clip posted on YouTube, Tauren highlights five other verses that mention the Lord’s unfailing and never-ending love for man. As Tauren sits, reading from and flipping through the Bible, verses from Psalms, Galatians and Jeremiah pop up on the screen.
Without God’s love, all would be lost and without hope. Man has willingly turned his back on God, deliberately disobeying Him and ignoring His commands, but choosing sin instead.
But even in our sins and shame, God still loved us enough to send His son to die so that we may not perish but have everlasting life with Him.
People will often bring up instances from the Old Testament and try to paint God as an angry and vengeful deity. But nothing could be further from the truth. He offers forgiveness, salvation and love to those who turn from their ways and follow Him.
Psalm 36:7 “How good is your loving mercy, O God! The children of men take cover under the shade of your wings.”
Tauren Wells Shares 5 Bible Verses About God’s Love For Us
One of the biggest names in all Christian music, Tauren Wells, has shared what he believes to be the five Bible verses that best explain and detail “God’s crazy love for you.”
Life can become tricky and confusing at times. Knowing how to handle certain situations and people can become difficult. That’s why God’s Word is referred to as a “lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” The Bible is essentially an instruction manual for life. For every situation or circumstance we come up against, God’s Word has advice, words of wisdom or examples to help us navigate it.
Not only is the Bible a guidebook, but it’s also a love story. Throughout the Bible’s 66 books, God displays His immense and inexplicable love for us, a bunch of sinners. The most famous verse in the entire Bible is one in which it states that God loved the world so much that He sent his one and only Son to Earth to die upon the cross, taking our place.
In a clip posted on YouTube, Tauren highlights five other verses that mention the Lord’s unfailing and never-ending love for man. As Tauren sits, reading from and flipping through the Bible, verses from Psalms, Galatians and Jeremiah pop up on the screen.
Without God’s love, all would be lost and without hope. Man has willingly turned his back on God, deliberately disobeying Him and ignoring His commands, but choosing sin instead.
But even in our sins and shame, God still loved us enough to send His son to die so that we may not perish but have everlasting life with Him.
People will often bring up instances from the Old Testament and try to paint God as an angry and vengeful deity. But nothing could be further from the truth. He offers forgiveness, salvation and love to those who turn from their ways and follow Him.
Psalm 36:7 “How good is your loving mercy, O God! The children of men take cover under the shade of your wings.”
Tauren Wells Concert Schedule
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