Riley Clemmons 'Jesus Cries' Official Music Video

Prepare for a stunning and thoughtful song. Riley Clemmons performs ‘Jesus Cries’ in this official music video.

Right from the start, Riley Clemmons is seen with a band in a dimly lit room. There is authenticity, and she vulnerably sings about our hard times in life and how God knows the tears that we cry.

The chorus sings out:

‘When you weep, 

He's there weeping with you

Jesus cries too’

The tone painting on this song is incredible. There are such unexpected vocal moments. It invites you to pour out your heart and cry out your tears when you are hurting and confused. Riley sings out and invites you to be honest and open with your Savior. Life is hard, and it is great to have music that invites our emotions to the cross of Christ. 

Her singing is an outcry to the Lord and is beautifully done. The simplicity of this music video matches the simplicity of the song. It is the shortest verse in Scripture but one of the most profound. There is great depth in the fact that our God, our Savior, wept. Jesus cried because He came into this world to fully take on the suffering of all of humanity. He did not enjoy the death of loved ones like Lazarus, and He was perfectly human and perfectly God. 

As we listen to this song and reflect on our own hardships and tears, Riley reminds us to rest in the truth that Jesus is there weeping with us. He empathizes with our sorrow, loss, hurt, and confusion. He welcomes our pain and questions and sits with us in our tears. In fact, Scripture tells us that He catches every tear that we have in His bottle. (Psalm 56:8) He cares for you personally and what is going on, and He loves His children.

“Jesus wept” John 11:35


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When You Need to Welcome a Difficult Person - Your Daily Prayer - January 12

To welcome people, as Jesus does, is to reach out to the people we would rather not associate with – the people who don’t belong to our friend group or our inner circle. Do you find this easy or hard to do?

Read Today's Devotional