This One Thing - Ministry Videos


While CRM's ministry around the world is diverse, we all have one thing in common. Watch this video to see the "One Thing" that brings us together around the world.

WHAT Is Our Vision?

CRM envisions movements of fresh, authentic churches, pioneered by godly leaders, fired by a passion for their world, compelled to multiply their lives and ministry…so that the name of God is renowned among the nations.

WHY Is It Important?

"Straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town" (Titus 1:5). CRM believes that healthy pastors and leaders are the means that God uses to produce effective churches. By empowering leaders, we are empowering churches, who are reaching the multitudes with the transforming love of Christ.

HOW Do We Do It?

Leadership is common to culture, be it in a Cambodian village or a white steeple church in New England. This diversity results in the work of CRM looking at times vastly different dependent upon context.

Common to all however is that CRM staff work with churches, pastors, and lay leaders. We walk alongside leaders by coaching and equipping them to plant, lead and grow dynamic, culturally relevant churches. We do this through consistent and long-term relationships, mentoring, and formal training. See CRM's Model of Ministry.

WHERE Do We Do It?

CRM is at work around the world, with a growing presence of over 350 staff in more than twenty-six countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

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