God Shoes by Brian Weller

I wrote this song on a mission trip to Peru a few years ago. We were walking through very dusty, sandy areas of Arequipa. I'd come back each day with my shoes loaded with a dry dust. I wrote this song as my way of saying to God, I'm willing to Go wherever you want me to go no matter what, no matter how far or how difficult. What God has given us is so great and so beautiful that we could never ever repay Him. Eternal life is just around the corner so why not live each day for Him, dedicate all that we are to Him, surrender all that we have to Him. The rewards of Eternity are far greater than a lifetime of worldly pleasures can ever offer. The gift of God through Jesus Christ is Eternal Life while the wages of sin is death. Join me and put on your God Shoes and pray that prayer that Isaiah the prophet prayed in Isaiah 6 when he said to God "Here I Am Lord, Send Me". God is speaking to His people and saying "Whom will I send" What will our response be?


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Confronting Life’s Biggest Challenges - Your Daily Prayer - September 20

We are able to be filled by His Spirit each day, enabling us to take on the biggest challenges in life with His strength.

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