Growing Up Jehovah's Witness- Part 3

In Part 2, 18 year-old Nancy discusses the consequences of choosing to not be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. She explains about the emotional blackmail implemented by her JW mother and stepfather in attempt to keep her in the organization, the marking, the threat of shunning, her emotionally devastating realization that her mother's love was very conditional and based on her status as a Witness. She shares her breakdown and recovery, and has a few words for other Jehovah's Witness youths who might be struggling with the same issues in their Watchtower dominated home.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer When Your Spouse Doesn’t Want to Go to Church - Your Daily Prayer - February 15

Give all the matters over to the Lord and trust Him with the outcome. The Lord can be fully trusted, and He will never fail you.

Read Today's Devotional