The Origin Of The Universe Was Absolute - William Lane Craig - Saddleback Church

"The prediction of the standard model that the universe began to exist remains today as secure as ever-indeed, more secure, in light of the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin theorem and that prediction's corroboration by the repeated and often imaginative attempts to falsify it. The person who believes that the universe began to exist remains solidly and comfortably within mainstream science." - William Lane Craig

William Lane Craig speaks at Saddleback Church in California on "How Did the Universe Begin?" - September 6, 2009

"Every solution to the equations of general relativity guarantees the existence of a singular boundary for space and time in the past." (Hawking, Penrose, Ellis) - 1970 -

Intelligent Design - The Anthropic Hypothesis

In conjunction with the mathematical necessity of an "Uncaused Cause" to explain the beginning of this universe, in philosophy it has been shown shown that,,,

"The "First Mover" is necessary for change occurring at each moment."

Michael Egnor - Aquinas' First Way

I find this centuries old argument, for the necessity of a "First Mover", to be validated by quantum mechanics, since the possibility for the universe to be considered a "closed system" of cause and effect is removed with the refutation of the "hidden variable" argument. i.e. There must be a sufficient transcendent cause (God/First Mover) to explain the wave collapse to the 3D effect for "each moment" of the universe. Moreover, the transcendent cause must be sufficient to explain

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Generosity toward Those in Need during Christmas - Your Daily Prayer - December 8

When we look at all that God has given us despite what we have done to him, it humbles us. It makes us want to give generously because he gave everything for us.

Read Today's Devotional