Zambia & South Africa

Zambia & South Africa

In Zambia my Global Expeditions team will partner with Every Orphan’s Hope to share Christ with orphans and refugees — what an awesome privilege! Zambia is “home” to thousands of refugees and orphans in need for someone to come and share about the saving power of Jesus Christ. The AIDS epidemic has hit Zambia as hard as any other place in Africa leaving 71% of children (ages 0-18) as orphans. This is the highest level of AIDS orphans in the world.

Our ministry in South Africa will take us to the poverty-stricken families who live in barren shanties and primitive huts in the city of Johannesburg and nearby counties. Johannesburg is the most populated city in South Africa with the population of the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Area reaching almost eight million and standing as one of the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the world. The people of South Africa live in extreme poverty and even worse they are spiritually hungry searching for truth and for something that is real. Young people are caught in the same cycle of hopelessness that their parents faced with no foreseen future. The people in Africa struggle with HIV being out of control and thousands of people die every year without the knowledge of Jesus.

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