Prophecy I care - Received August 26, 2009

Prophecy I care - Received August 26, 2009

Prophecy I care - Received August 26, 2009

Who will endure until the day when I will come to take you where I am?

You also wonder why I did not come yet to fetch My true Bride from this earth? It is because I care for all of you who are in this world who are still alive. I am full of grace and mercy and do not want any one to perish but that all will come to repentance and have eternal life. I will come but I care for each and every one.

Watch and pray and be on the alert all the time and do not fall asleep or stray from Me because you think that I tarry and there is still time. I know your heart and thoughts and your life is in My hand. I care about your destiny, what will it be? I promised that I will go to My Father and will come again to take you where I am because I care and love you but only a few are ready and worthy for Me.

Many in this world are dying today, right now without Me and who cares?

Do you care that so many are not ready and will not be ready if I come right now? What will happen to this world if I come now? It will be chaos and many will perish because many are not prepared for what is to come. It will be disaster upon disaster, nothing will be the same again, great turmoil will follow. Without Me there will never be peace. I am the Prince of Peace, nobody else.

I did not die in vain. I care and want to save every one who comes to Me and repents in time. Man makes his own choices. I will not force any one.

I care and I will take care of My own faithful ones in all circumstances, but the rest will perish in their disobedience.

I am a holy, loving and caring Father but also a Consuming Fire. I care! Do you care?

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