Henry Winkler Opens Up About His Heartbreaking Childhood And Being The Fonz

Most know Henry Winkler as the Fonz from 'Happy Days.' But what most don't know is that Henry had a childhood filled with self-doubt. He was constantly told that he was stupid and useless, but what no one knew was that Henry was severely dyslexic. Hearing Henry share how he overcame his learning disability is inspiring. And how he's helping kids like him, wow!

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for God to Ease My Heartache - Your Daily Prayer - September 8

Heartache can make us feel lonely as if no one cares or understands what we’re going through. Those negative thoughts mislead us into thinking God isn’t there, and we are left to struggle alone. But the soul-satisfying truth is that God wants to see us whole. He is a God who heals, comforts, and restores our brokenness.

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