Surf and Scenes from Santa Cruz and Carmel feat. Break Over Me (song)

Fun surf in the Central Coast of California. Getting some fun waves in Santa Cruz and Carmel, along with some scenes from the area.

Song: Break over Me
Performed by: Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux
Written by: Bryan Marleaux ©


Riding those waves that roll to shore
Sometimes there's awe when you feel them roar
But there's no awe, oh Lord, like the awe of Thee
When your love and power break over me.

I watch the sun set upon the sea
With glorious hues not worthy of speech
But it can't compare to the glory of Thee
When your spirit and grace break over me.

I watch the snow fall upon the mountains
And the setting sun on the desert plain
But it can't compare to your love and grace
Poured down on me when your Spirit rains.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Impact Those in Your Sphere of Influence - Your Daily Prayer - February 8

All of us influence others, whether we realize it or not, especially younger people

Read Today's Devotional