Mom Shares Positive Message About Post-Baby Body

Mom Shares Positive Message About Post-Baby Body

Mothers face a lot of pressure each and every day. They’re expected to keep their kids straight, their house spotless and look like they never even the children to begin with. Lauren Eberspacher is a mother of 3 and she knows that having the perfect body means something totally different from what the media shows us.

After she had her children, Lauren kept getting questions about ‘losing the last of the baby weight’ or offers to help her ‘get the body she always dreamed of.’ That's when Lauren realized she had a message in her heart that every mother needed to hear. Lauren says she has the body she always dreamed of, because her body brought three kids into the world. She may not look like the women on the front of a magazine but that doesn’t make her any less beautiful.

Now, this inspirational mother has found a way to love herself and appreciate all her body can do instead of focusing on what it can’t. And we can all learn a thing or two from her words! What Lauren says about being a ‘size mom’ is so true. I might not be able to run a marathon, but I can walk a crying baby around for miles! And her incredible message isn’t just for moms.

All of us have things we’d love to change about our bodies. But ultimately, every day we wake up is a day to be grateful. Lauren, thank you for this incredible message!

The body I've always wanted: Size Mom

"I do have the body I've always dreamed of. I'm a size mom. And that’s exactly the size I want to be." Thanks to Lauren Eberspacher of From Blacktop to Dirt Road for sharing this on our TODAY #ParentingTeam! Read the full post here:

Posted by Kathie Lee and Hoda on Monday, January 1, 2018

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