Amazing Grace by 9 year old rapper JoJo Rock and Ozzy from The Sowers Group

Amazing Grace by 9 year old rapper JoJo Rock and Ozzy from The Sowers Group

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All money from the sale of the song goes to my sponsor child Charles from Uganda. - Ozzy from The Sowers Group sings on this track with me. This is our African/Hip Hop version of the classic song Amazing Grace.

Ozzy grew up in The Congo Africa. His father died when he was a child his mother was left uneducated with 8 children and little hope of earning an income.

Ozzy was then sponsored through Compassion. He shared his sponsorship with his brother Mike and friend Kosto who are also members of The Sowers Group. They shared the uniform, separated books into individual papers and took turns going to school.

We recorded this song to let the world know that Compassion child sponsorship really works.

Could you help us get this message to the world by sharing on Facebook and Twitter. I would really appreciate it. Thanks

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