The Investigator: Inspiring Film Changing Lives

From Gabriel's Messenger Films, "The Investigator" is changing lives across the country! Tickets and theater listings now available:

"The Investigator" follows the story of Police Sergeant James Buanacore, who becomes so wrought with grief from personal and professional tragedy, that he gives up his faith in God. Forced into retirement from his job as a 25-year veteran police detective, he finds himself taking a job as a high school criminal justice teacher and baseball coach. With his cop mentality challenging his students, James struggles through experiences with an unsupportive principal, a guidance counselor with a secret, and rebellious students. But when his best option seems to be quitting, a student challenges him to begin the investigation that will change his life, and those of his students, forever...the investigation into the homicide of Jesus Christ.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Overcome Paralyzing Fear - Your Daily Prayer - February 7

No matter what our fear may be, God is still stronger and more powerful than any circumstance. Choose to give all your fear over to God today.

Read Today's Devotional