7 Tips for Christian Parents About Finding a Babysitter

From maintaining a job to needing a break, there are many reasons you need to find a babysitter. Parents don’t always have the luxury of a predictable work schedule or knowing exactly when the dog is going to need an unexpected visit to the vet. Life happens and you need people around you that can help, including babysitters! You often need to pay the sitter, but it’s worth it to find someone who is loving, caring and will reinforce the Christian principles you are trying to instill.

Here are seven tips for Christian parents about finding a babysitter.

“The Truth" Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Tip #1: Call Local Churches for Recommendations

If you are new to an area or just don’t have many connections with people, calling local churches for recommendations is a great initial step. They will most likely know if there are members within the church that offer daycare or are interested in babysitting. See if the office staff are willing to provide the contact information of people you can call, or offer to leave your name and phone number for anyone interested.

Tip #2: Ask for Recommendations from Your Friends and Church Members

You may be surprised to realize the wealth of information you can glean from other parents in your church. The feelings of uncertainty when you first leave your child in the care of a sitter may be new to you, but so many other parents around you have experienced this. Talk with your friends to see who they recommend and even who not to consider. Depending on the size of your church, you may also learn of someone who runs a daycare. If you need a sitter in the evening, most daycare centers are closed, so a teenager or college-aged student may be your best option.

Tip #3: Consider the Teenagers of Church Members

Do your children and others seem to flock to certain teenagers while at church? Many teens are caught between wanting things that are expensive and not being able to get a job, so they are very open to the idea of babysitting. Pay attention to how your kids respond to the potential sitter and how patient the teen is. If you are interested, talk with the teenager’s parents to see if it might be a good fit.

Tip #4: Have the Person Into Your Home

Once you have someone in mind as a sitter, invite them into your home at least once to get to know them. This will give you an opportunity to see how comfortable they are and show them where the kid essentials are if you are thinking of hiring them. Consider having the person over for dinner to learn more about them and see how easy they are to talk with. A good sign is if they talk about their church or relationship with God.

Tip #5: Ask to Visit the Person’s Home to Get a Sense of Their Environment

You can also learn a lot about a person when you see the environment they live in. An ideal sitter is a friend, but that’s not always possible, so see if you can stop by the person’s home since there may be reasons to drop off your child there. As a parent, it’s natural to be cautious and a good thing in many situations. A person may claim to be a Christian, so look for signs of this to ensure you are hiring a Christian babysitter. Some clues include a Bible visible, crosses within the décor and an overall positive feeling when you enter the home.

Tip #6: Pay Attention to Whether Your Child Seems Comfortable

The biggest clue to whether or not a sitter is a great fit is how your child is responding. Do they seem comfortable or nervous when they are around the person? Some kids may cry when you leave them with someone new, but pay attention if they seem unusually exhausted or terrified when you pick them up. If this happens, talk to other mothers about this and see if they have any concerns with the sitter you have chosen.

Tip #7: Consider an In-Home Daycare

As a Christian parent looking for a daycare for my infant, I was pleased with the first daycare she attended because I noticed Christian-themed toys and books. This indicated the caregiver disciplines and manages the children from a more Christian perspective since they had invested in buying these toys. You can also ask the daycare provider if they pray before meals.

“The Truth" Psalm 31:14 “But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.””

No matter what the reason is for the sitter, try not to worry about your children when you are away. If you are going to a concert or out to dinner, then enjoy the much needed break! If you are working, feel blessed that you have the opportunity to provide for your family. It can be difficult to find a balance with this, but rest assured and feel confident in your decisions. Most importantly, pray about your situation and for God to lead you to the right sitter.

 Read another F&E tips article at the following link:  7 Christian Tips for Dating

Resources- ESV Holy Bible, Youtube, photo credit: Ed Yourdon via photopin cc

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