A Balm for Restless Nights - Your Nightly Prayer

January 13, 2025

Your Nightly Prayer

A Balm for Restless Nights
Your Nightly Prayer for Jan. 13, 2025
by Sophia Bricker 


I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old (Psalm 77:11, ESV


There are nights when exhaustion overwhelms us, and we drift to sleep with ease. And then there are those other nights. The times when our brains turn on and bombard us with our anxieties and stresses: the words we regret saying, a poor decision at work, lack of money for the month, an upcoming procedure, or a straying child. Thoughts keep buzzing around in our heads, and we are unable to swat them away so we can go to sleep. Even counting sheep fails to clear our minds. Our prayer becomes a repetitive “Why, Lord?”   

Asaph faced a similar crisis while attempting to fall asleep. He had cried out to the Lord to no avail. And what was worse was that now God was keeping him awake: “You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak” (Psalm 77:4, NIV). In the past, he had sung praises in the night, but now he was floundering under unanswered prayers (Psalm 77:6). Had the Lord forgotten him and the people of Israel?  

Speaking to himself, Asaph said he would choose to remember what God had done in the past despite the turmoil of spirit he felt and despite the restless nights (Psalm 77:10-12). He meditated on the Lord’s holiness and power in saving the Israelites from bondage in Egypt (Psalm 77:13-20). Through the waters of the Red Sea, the Lord had led them on a dry path and delivered them from their enemies. These thoughts comforted Asaph – The Lord who had saved before would rescue again. 

Scripture is filled with examples of individuals who chose to meditate on the Lord and His Word throughout the night: Joshua, David, Asap,h and other psalmists (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 16:7; 42:8-11; 63:6; 77). Their willingness to recall God’s work shows us that the key to putting our minds at peace is not to focus on our thoughts but to turn them to the Lord. Oh, how He will silence the buzzing thoughts when we remember His faithfulness. For Christ saved us from bondage to sin and promised to be with us always.  

We do not need to count sheep when we can instead recount the mighty deeds of our Good Shepherd.          


Great and holy God,
You are the Giver of sleep. Help me start viewing restless nights as an invitation to meditate on You and all the mighty works You accomplished in history and in my life. Extinguish the fearful and fretful thoughts so that my focus is on You. Grant me rest in Your presence.


1. The deeds of the Lord, such as creation, the Exodus, the fall of Jericho, God’s protection of David in the caves, the healing of the blind man, Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection, and many others. Are there any examples from Scripture that speak to your situation and which you can focus on tonight? 

2. An occasion from the past that the Lord helped you get through. How can the memory of that event encourage you today?  

3. Any practices or routines that your parents, grandparents, or other caregivers used to promote sleep when you were a child. Why did you find those practices or routines calming?  

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/JulPo

Sophia BrickerSophia Bricker is a writer. Her mission is to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus through thoughtful articles, devotionals, and stories. She completed a BA and MA in Christian ministry, which included extensive study of the Bible and theology, and an MFA in creative writing. You can follow her blog about her story, faith, and creativity at The Cross, a Pen, and a Page.

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