A Prayer for Healing and Wholeness This Easter Season - Your Daily Prayer - March 21
March 21, 2024
A Prayer for Healing and Wholeness This Easter Season
By Christine Perry
“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." - Psalm 107:19-20 NKJV
Have you ever asked yourself if you will ever be healed or whole? Life has a way of breaking you down. Sin had a way of destroying you. When we look at our world and even our personal lives, this side of eternity can feel hopeless. Corrie Ten Boom, a holocaust survivor who lost her father and sister in a concentration camp, said, “If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God, you'll be at rest.”
As I looked up verses on healing and wholeness, I came across this verse in Psalm 107:20. “He sent his word and healed them.” When I saw “word,” I was reminded of John 1:14, which says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Jesus is the Word that John is referring to here. Sometimes, the Lord doesn’t change our situation because He wants to change us. He wants us to depend on Him and to rely on the truth about His character and His promises in His Word.
In Exodus 15:26, the Lord refers to Himself as the Lord who heals you. No one is beyond healing. But we also must acknowledge that this is not heaven. We live in a fallen world, and on this side of eternity, we will never be fully whole, but in Christ, we are enough because He is enough. He is sufficient. Yet, He can still heal, restore, and make whole, but it has to be His will, in His way and in His timing.
One thing we can cling to is truth! In John 8:32, it says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So if you’re struggling because you’re believing lies, if you know the truth, the truth will set You free. God’s Word also transforms us (Romans 12:2).
Let’s pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
We know that apart from You, we are nothing, yet You love us with everlasting and unconditional love. And our greatest need You already accomplished. You took away our sin when You sacrificed Your Son to appease Your wrath so that we come boldly to the throne of grace where we can find help and grace in our time of need. God, we need You every second of every day; even if we don’t acknowledge it, we do, and we are helpless without You.
Father, You are the Lord who heals. You know every single person reading [hearing] this prayer. You know the number of hairs on their head, and You’re intimately acquainted with them and know the words they will speak before they open their mouth. God, before they ask for healing and wholeness, You already know what they are going to ask, and we acknowledge that You and You alone have the power to heal and restore them. We ask that if it is Your will, You will do just that. But we also know that Your will, no matter what it entails, is the best for us and for the greatest good for the longest amount of time.
I ask that You would help us to trust You with our entire lives and being. You know what You’re doing, and I ask that You would help us to get on board with what You want. We need Your help to do this. We believe You; help our unbelief. And when we doubt, help us to look at the cross and remember Your sacrifice on our behalf. We thank You for the hope of heaven and the peace that You provide us here, regardless of what we are facing. You are good, and You do good. Thank You! Amen!
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Boonyachoat
Christine is just a lady who was given the gift of being raised in an incredible family. For reasons unknown to her, God has blessed her with an amazing life full of beautiful friendships, remarkable experiences, and a love from Him that is completely underserved. She desires to encourage others and share hope as we journey through the highs and lows of life. Christine is the author of How I Met Peace and For the Weary Life Traveler, a 31-day devotional. Check out more of Christine's work at her website: Learning to be fearless and her Patreon.
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