Compared To Who
Compared To Who

Compared To Who



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June 13, 2024

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**The Go-to Podcast for Christian women who want to improve their body image and stop comparing!**

Are you a Christian woman who is tired of the same old answers to your body image and comparison struggles?

Have you "tried everything" yet still feel like your body isn't enough or should be better? Do you know that "you're fearfully and wonderfully made" yet STILL feel like maybe God should have made your body better?

If you answered yes, then Compared to Who? A Biblical Approach to Body Image is the show for you!

Compared To's Website > Compared To on X >

Today's Devotional

A Prayer to See God as the Ultimate Counselor - Your Daily Prayer - December 2

My prayer for your heart and mine to this season, is that we would look to the fullness we have received in our relationship with God the Father. He has promised to counsel us, shepherd us, and sustain us through this time and all the temptations that come up against us.

Read Today's Devotional