William Matthews

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Oct 29

Lost in Love: A Visual Concert

San Francisco, CA 94115

8:00 PM


Lost in Love: A Visual Concert

37.7852322, -122.4408913

San Francisco, CA 94115

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About this event:

Lost in Love: A Visual Concert is touring all across America this fall including Toronto & London! This visual concert features a collection of new and current music from singer songwriter William Matthews. The concert will feature a live performance, breathtaking visual story plus a Q&A centering on faith and justice. This will be unlike anything you've ever witnessed! Grab your tickets now! Ticket Packages *Early Bird Ticket = $12 *Private Dinner w/ William + Ticket = $75 *Signed Vinyl + Ticket = $40 *Tee + Hat + Ticket = $40 *Hoodie + Ticket = $60 *Sweatshirt + Ticket = $50 *KOSMOS SUPER FAN Package (Hat, Tee, Meet & Greet, Vinyl, 2 Posters, 2 Tickets) $135 (IMPORTANT: LOST in Love Tour is a mix of venues and house shows. To protect our hosts the address for each private residence will be released a week before each show)

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Seek Solitude with God in a Rushing World - Your Daily Prayer - May 8

If we pursue the things of this world, then it is pointless. We will be chasing after temporary pleasures that lead us nowhere with purpose.

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