Taking God For Granted

1 Timothy 4:6
Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising
benefits in this life and in the life to come (v.8).

I’m not going to join the track team again! I said that to
myself countless times during my years in school. But
every track season, there I was, back on the team.
Why did I have a love/hate relationship with track?
The training! During practice, we pushed our perceived
physical limits and strove for perfection. And all that
training led to some difficulty and discomfort. Having
said that, however, it also led to physical fitness that I
haven’t witnessed since then. So, even though I disliked
all the running, it was good for me.

There’s another kind of training that is far more
important than track—training in godliness. We need to
train ourselves to be someone who faithfully walks with
God each day. How do we do that? Well, the word
train gives us a clue. You see, we don’t simply drift into
godliness. Like the training for track, it takes intentional,
focused steps to get there.

Watch your diet. What are you feeding on? Primetime
TV? Bestseller novels? The apostle Paul urged Timothy
to fill up on the message of faith and sound doctrine
(1 Timothy 4:6). So reading God’s Word and feasting on
solid Christian literature is a good start. But more than
that, you need to truly believe and apply the truths of
God’s Word to your life.

Use your time well. Paul told Timothy, “Do not waste
time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales” (v.7). Likewise, you can’t
simply wish you had time to read the Bible, pray, and meditate—you have to
choose a time and stick to it.

I take regular walks with God. Along the way, I like to listen to sermons or
simply talk with Him in prayer. These “workouts” have been great for my body
and spirit. Start your own spiritual workout program today!

—Poh Fang Chia

Read Psalms 1:1 to get a good picture of someone who is trained in godliness.

Amid all the pressures and demands of your day, when will you
take time to train in godliness? What new “workout” practices do
you need to add to your regimen? Why?

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