Pregnant Woman Receives Surprise Gift After Freak Accident Leaves Husband With Brain Injury

God works behind the scenes when a pregnant woman receives an incredible gift after a freak accident sends her husband to the hospital.

God certainly knows how to give good gifts and He uses people, like you and me, to be His generous gift givers.

Recently, Maddie Morris found herself on the receiving end of one of these generous miracles. Maddie had been blissfully married to the love of her life, Anthony, for two years when she discovered God had blessed them with a baby.

Maddie couldn’t believe she was going to become a mother and she immediately began dreaming about watching her amazing husband Anthony be a father. She dreamed of how he would toss a ball around in the yard with their son, if it was a boy, and how he would cherish and dote on a beautiful, baby girl.

But one evening, their lives were changed forever after a freak accident less than five miles from their home. The couple was in their their car when a caravan of cars came their way. In a split second, a rod came through the windshield of the vehicle and impaled Anthony through his brain. He was immediately rushed into surgery but Maddie soon learned her husband suffered a traumatic brain injury. He would never regain use of the left side of his body because he suffered a right hemispherical stroke in the process. Maddie also learned her husband may never regain his sight.

This means Anthony will never return to his job as a landscaper, which supported his family. All these new and tragic circumstances left Maddie reeling of what their future will be. But God is a generous God who gives good gifts even in the midst of pain. God put it on Maddie’s friend, Ashley, to help the family receive some good news. Ashley called into an Australian radio station and got in touch with people from the Kyle and Jackie O Show. After sharing Ashley’s story, the radio station generosity gifted Ashely and her growing family $15,000!

How amazing is God? What an incredible gift during tragic times It is indeed a blessing to not only give a gift but to feel the joy of helping someone in their time of need. Let us all continue to rally around this sweet couple and pray for God’s hand to continue to provide for this little family.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35

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A Prayer for Transforming Worry into Trust - Your Daily Prayer - October 24

Worrying does nothing to benefit our lives in any way; it only takes away. It takes away the present moments and present joy you could experience, not to mention it takes away from a peaceful life.

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