Christian Singer / Songwriter Dan Bremnes Wherever I Go (Official Video) - Inspirational Videos


Singer / Songwriter Dan Bremnes recently launched into a new project. Together with a small video team, he traveled around the world to shoot his latest song “Wherever I Go”. The piece was filmed in seven different countries over a period of eight days. What a whirlwind trip!

Dan worked with the group Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Australia years ago. It was during this time of service God began to shape the focus of Dan’s talents. “While I was there, something happened in my life, and God started working on my heart,” Bremnes shares. “I started thinking about making music that was really intentional about reaching people on a spiritual level. I wanted to come right out and speak about God and my relationship with Him.”

As Dan began to focus his heart and writing on worship, he received devastating news that his mother had been killed in a car accident. The journey through that trauma and pain brought Dan to a place of realization that he was not alone. God was walking the path with him and supporting him. Fittingly, Bremnes has channeled those feelings of desperation and hope into his music as a way to encourage others.

“Wherever I go” is no exception. This new song has a catchy beat and boasts encouragement in the chorus. The lyrics are a challenge to remember that God is still there and you are not alone.

“Wherever I go, Oh, You're gonna find me there / Wherever I go / Oh, You're right beside me there / In the rising flame / Even in the pouring rain / Even in the flood, I'm safe / Oh, oh, oh, oh / You go wherever I go”

Dan’s lyrics focus on the inability to be lost to God no matter the location or the time of trouble. The video takes the viewer on a journey through several well-known locations: Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt; the Great Wall of China; the Taj Mahal in India; Petra in Jordan; the Colosseum in Rome; the glaciers in Iceland; and Burj Khalifa in Dubai. There is something truly awe-inspiring to think that in all of those diverse,

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