Airline Worker Sings 'You Raise Me Up' For Grieving Mother On Flight

When this airline worker heard that there was a grieving mother on the flight, he performed a beautiful rendition of ‘You Raise Me Up’ over the intercom.

This powerful song is one of the most iconic numbers of our generation. It was made popular by opera voice Josh Groban, but countless artists have covered the song over the years.

“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be”

Today, we’re hearing the song in an entirely new way. While on a Southwest flight, a mother was grieving the loss of her son. Her son was a state trooper who died in the line of duty.

That’s when this airline worker decided to comfort her in a very special way. He started to belt out the powerful words of ‘You Raise Me Up’ over the loud speaker for the entire flight to hear.

“When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary
When troubles come, and my heart burdened be
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me”

When this kind airline worker performed over the intercom, everyone on the flight paid attention.

Now, all the passengers could offer their love and support for this mother during her time of need. The world needs more people like this man. Don’t you agree?
Source: Humankind

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Trust God’s Timing during a Long Season of Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - February 12

If only we could take a peek into eternity and see all the blessings that are to come from every prayer, promise, and planted seed scattered through our lives too. But on this side of heaven, we just won’t. What we do have is stories in the scriptures of purposeful waiting and beautiful redemption

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